Cosine Annealing is a sophisticated optimization technique that has gained popularity in the field of machine learning and optimization problems. It is particularly useful in scenarios where the search space is complex and the convergence to the global minimum is not straightforward. In this article, we will delve into the nuances of Cosine Annealing, exploring its background, working principles, and practical applications.

Background of Cosine Annealing

Cosine Annealing originated from the Simulated Annealing algorithm, which is a probabilistic technique for approximating the global optimum of a given function. The concept of Annealing itself is inspired by the process of solidifying metal, where the cooling rate is gradually reduced to ensure that the metal reaches its lowest energy state without forming defects.

Cosine Annealing improves upon the Simulated Annealing algorithm by using a cosine-based schedule for adjusting the temperature, which is crucial for controlling the exploration and exploitation of the search space during optimization.

Working Principles of Cosine Annealing

1. Temperature Schedule

The heart of Cosine Annealing lies in its temperature schedule, which is defined by a cosine function. The temperature controls the probability of accepting worse solutions as the optimization progresses, allowing the algorithm to escape local minima and explore the search space more thoroughly.

The temperature schedule is typically defined as follows:

def cosine_schedule(t, T_max, T_min, max_iterations):
    return T_min + (T_max - T_min) * 0.5 * (1 + cos(pi * t / max_iterations))

Here, t is the current iteration, T_max is the initial temperature, T_min is the minimum temperature, and max_iterations is the total number of iterations.

2. Acceptance Probability

The acceptance probability of a new solution is determined by the Metropolis criterion, which states that a new solution should be accepted if it improves the objective function or if it is better than the current solution with a probability given by the Boltzmann distribution:

def acceptance_probability(delta, T):
    if delta > 0:
        return 1.0
        return exp(delta / T)

Here, delta is the change in the objective function value, and T is the current temperature.

3. Iterative Process

The iterative process of Cosine Annealing involves the following steps:

  1. Initialize the temperature T to T_max.
  2. Generate a new candidate solution x_new by perturbing the current solution x.
  3. Calculate the change in the objective function value delta = f(x_new) - f(x).
  4. Compute the acceptance probability p_accept = acceptance_probability(delta, T).
  5. If a random number between 0 and 1 is less than p_accept, accept x_new.
  6. Decrease the temperature using the cosine schedule.
  7. Repeat steps 2-6 until the temperature is below a certain threshold or a maximum number of iterations is reached.

Practical Applications of Cosine Annealing

Cosine Annealing has been successfully applied to various optimization problems, including:

  • Neural network training
  • Genetic algorithms
  • Optimization of complex systems
  • Timetabling and scheduling

Example: Neural Network Training

In the context of neural network training, Cosine Annealing can be used to optimize the learning rate schedule, which plays a crucial role in the convergence of the training process. The following Python code demonstrates how to implement a Cosine Annealing learning rate scheduler for a neural network:

import torch
import torch.optim as optim

class CosineAnnealingLR(optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler):
    def __init__(self, optimizer, T_max, T_min, last_epoch=-1):
        self.T_max = T_max
        self.T_min = T_min
        super(CosineAnnealingLR, self).__init__(optimizer, last_epoch)

    def get_lr(self):
        t = max(1, self.last_epoch)
        return [self.base_lrs[i] * ((self.T_min + (self.T_max - self.T_min) * 0.5 * (1 + math.cos(math.pi * t / self.T_max)))]

This code defines a custom learning rate scheduler that uses Cosine Annealing to adjust the learning rate during neural network training.


Cosine Annealing is a powerful optimization technique that offers a robust approach to tackling complex optimization problems. By leveraging its cosine-based temperature schedule and acceptance probability, Cosine Annealing allows for effective exploration and exploitation of the search space, leading to improved convergence to the global minimum. This article has provided a comprehensive overview of Cosine Annealing, covering its background, working principles, and practical applications.